What is PPC?

Pay-Per-Click is a model of internet advertising marketing, in which the advertiser pays some money to the search engine when an advertisement is clicked. It is another way of driving traffic to your website with the help of a search engine. Pay-Per-Click is also known as the cost-per-click model. Cost-per-click means a revenue model that pay-per-click sites used to display advertisements. The advertiser is paying fees to the publisher i.e. search engines. You are buying visits to your website with the help of search engines by using pay-per-click advertisements.

Moreover, pay-per-click is an advertising tool that helps the website increase its audience, and with the help of these visits, you can help in raising potential customers. As mentioned above, Pay-per-click is used to enhance the rankings of your website. Nowadays digital marketing techniques have build-up increased marketing challenges. Digital marketing trends have made a drastic change.

Pay-Per-Click advertisements is a way to increase sales of your business or product. To increase sales you have to introduce new products, expand your ways of advertising, and improve your customer service. When a user clicks on the advertisement the search engine will display the target ad in the paid marketing block. Potential users will visit your website and helps your brand increase in sales. PPC marketing services is the easiest way to grow your business. You can easily make money with the help of Pay-Per-Click advertisements. For example: you are paying PKR 1000/- to the publisher for each click and in return you are generating PKR 1500/-. The revenue you are generating is in profit and this is how PPC helps you make money from low resources or less budget.

“Pay-Per-Click is just a beginning. The real evolution is Pay-Per-Action” says Bill Gross.

When people search the keyword related to your business, the search engine advertises your page on the search engine result page (SERP). The user clicks your website’s PPC advertisement and you have to pay for your advertisement to the search engine. Pay-per-click is somehow different from search engine optimization, pay-per-click uses paid advertisements tactics instead of generating organic traffic from search engines.

Pay-Per-Click stimulates the customers to generate leads. It is a marketing procedure to capture the end-users interests in a specific product and develop sales. PPC marketing management services also helps in the promotion of a brand. The end-users search for a product at a specific time and PPC advertisers i.e. search engines can show a targeted ad.

In addition, the pay-per-click main focus should be keyword research and organizing those keywords into an advertisement campaign. The useful advertisements and landing pages for the user lead to sophisticated progress and business promotion.


How do PPC works?

Pay per click is a model of internet marketing in which the advertiser pays the publisher whenever an advertisement is clicked. It is one of the most effective ways to get website clicks. When a company formulates an advertising campaign it should define goals and their relevance with PPC. It focuses on brand awareness among potential clients with the help of search engines. When users clicked on an ad, they will get to know about your brand and it helps in the promotion of your product.

Pay per click is based on keyword search. When a user searches for a product, online advertisements appear in the search engine. Pay per click is usually affiliated with a first-tier search engine i.e. Google, Facebook, Youtube, Amazon, etc. If you choose good keywords for your PPC campaign, you will easily generate leads i.e. identify and attract users according to their interests and then transform those consumers into prospects. It will drive traffic to your website.

Pay per click is a part of the marketing strategy of a brand. It is a plan of action that is designed to promote and sell a product or service. Marketing strategy is a process that allows an organization to use its limited resources to achieve goals. Marketing strategies are used to increase sales and gain feasible advantages. Strategic planning analyzes a company’s policies and allowed the discovery of new trends and policies for the brand.

Pay-per-click landing pages also play an important role. These landing pages are specially designed web pages. When a user clicks on the Google’s PPC advertisement these are the pages the user visits. These dedicated web or landing pages are the selling tool for your business or products. Sophisticated designing and creation of your web pages are essential. You are going to escort your visitor to the client with the help of these PPC web pages. Your landing page should be quality visual.

While building a web page defining the budget of your pay-per-click advertisements is also important. Keeping your profitability goals in mind the PPC budget is designed. Budgeting your PPC is the main task in marketing strategy. Too high and too low budgets will affect your PPC campaigns. Estimating a valuable budget for your PPC campaign is fundamental.

Pay-Per-Click displays advertisements as banner advertisements on web pages with relevant content. These sponsored banner advertisements display on search engines only when a user searches for the required keyword and the banner displays above organic contents. Pay-Per-Click is a payment model that is not specified with a certain location, region, and area etc. Examples where pay-per-click advertisements can be used are: If a user is searching for a product relevant to cars in the Google search engine. The pay-per-click Google advertisement will be displayed above the organic SERP.


Pay-per-click is primarily based on keywords. With the help of exceptional keywords, you will be able to get enormous web clicks. Pay-per-click advertisements are based on some important factors, these are:

Techniques of PPC:

Pay-Per-Click is a marketing platform for the improvement of your rankings with the help of search engines on search engines. PPC used a few marketing campaign techniques to achieve its goals.  These techniques are:

Flat Rate Pay-Per-Click:

Paying a fixed amount for an advertisement click is called a flat rate PPC. The advertiser pays a fixed amount to its publisher i.e. search engine, when an advertisement is clicked. When a searcher types a specific keyword or searches for the desired product, the publisher established a few rate cards. Rate cards can vary among search engines. Flat-rate PPC uses these fixed amount cards specifically for shopping websites as these websites have a higher chance of sales. Such websites insulate the services or products and have high chances of visits than other websites. When the visibility of your website increases you will raise the rate of search engines.

It is a model that states a publisher will charge a fixed rate from its advertiser against each clicked advertisement.

Biding Pay-Per-Click:

A PPC bid is commonly known as a keyword bid. Unlike flat-rate PPC, bid-based PPC placed a bid in a PPC auction to secure top positions in the organic search engines. You are signing a contract with your publisher to compete against other advertisers. Each advertiser is bidding against an ad spot. And that auction is continued by the visitor. When the visitor clicks on your link, you will have to pay the search engine for what you have bid earlier. You as an advertiser have to set the highest bidding against other advertisers. When a visitor searches for a specific keyword that phrase would trigger your website and the user visits your website.


Pay-per-click is a marketing platform where you can improve your visits with the help of search engines. PPC is using a few marketing techniques to improve the rankings of the website. These techniques are:

Types Of PPC:

Pay-Per-Click advertisements can be highly profitable if the marketing strategy of PPC is exceptionally created. To get exceptional results from your PPC campaigns it is mandatory to understand all the types of Pay-Per-Click advertisements. Pay-Per-Click is divided into various categories. These are

Paid Search Marketing:

It is the advertisement that appears on the Search Engine Result Page that helps drive traffic to the web page. It can give you an advantage over the competitors.  Paid Search Advertising is digital marketing where marketers paid to search engines and when a visitor visits your link you will have to pay the visit to the search engine. You will write an advertisement copy to set up advertisement campaigns. Paid search marketing depends on selecting relevant keywords. Selecting a proper landing page for your website is also important.

Display advertising:

Digital display advertising is a form of pay-per-click advertisement. You advertise your content in the form of graphics i.e. texts, images, banners, videos, and audio. This graphic context is clickable and the user will click on the visual content they will directly land on the landing pages of the website. There are many advertisement formats. They can be static i.e. images or they can be animated in form of videos, visuals, etc.

Social Media Advertising:

Social media advertising is also known as social media targeting. It is a form of PPC that uses multiple social media networks for advertisements. It is an effective way of advertising your products on social media and the easiest way to capture the visitor into your client. It is an effective way to connect with your clients and helps you target the potential audience. Social media advertising is cost-effective with a high rate of return.

Retargeting Advertising:

When a user visits a website and leaves your website without buying any product, it allows you to retarget them on another website with the help of visual graphics or text advertisements. Retargeting advertisements can be done with the help of Google ads, Facebook advertisements, LinkedIn advertisements, etc. Marketers use retargeting advertisements to gain customers’ loyalty, increase sales, and generate leads.

Price Comparison Website Advertising:

Price comparison websites are marketing tools for PPC that analyze competitors and alternative prices. These price comparison advertisements are specially designed for customers to choose the right product. These are the tools that audit competitors’ similar product prices. This price comparison website advertising allows the consumer to identify the best deals at reasonable prices and better shipping options on a single web page.


Pay-per-click is categorized into the following types:

How do PPC and SEO Work Together?

Pay-Per-Click and Search Engine Optimization both are handled separately. It is a strategic marketing mistake to consider them as separate entities. It is a great misconception. Marketers can combine both of them to achieve a greater goal. You can easily boost your business with the help of these two tactics.

Pay-Per-Click is a model of internet advertising marketing in which advertisers pay money to the publisher when an advertisement is clicked. Advertisers are paying fees to the publisher i.e. search engine, when an advertisement or a link is clicked. As mentioned above, pay-per-click is a model to increase sales of a business or a product. Whereas Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of the website in the search engines. It is the procedure of increasing the visibility of a product or a brand in the search engine. The primary purpose of search engine optimization is to get higher rankings in the search engine with the help of creative and exceptional content and to get a high target audience. Search engine optimization is used to make your product dominant among the other competitors.

Search engine optimization is the process of increasing a website’s organic traffic and with the help of effective content, you can easily capture a visitor and make him your potential client. Whereas pay-per-click helps in increasing website traffic with the help of search engines. Both tactics are integrated to achieve better results.

Pay-per-click helps search engine optimization by maximizing search engine result page rankings. When a user visits a website with the help of PPC marketing advertisements, it will be useful for the ranking of the website. The highest number of visits to a website is useful in the improvement of rankings in the search engine. Pay-per-click and search engine optimization both are keyword driven. When a user searches for a specific keyword PPC advertisement pops up.

PPC and SEO both are used for brand awareness. You want to elevate your brand with the help of these two services. Both services help in tracking and measuring the performance of a website.


Major Platform for Pay-Per-Click:

Google Ads It is one of the most popular pay-per-click advertising platforms. Google Ads platform enables businesses to create advertisements that will be displayed on Google Search Engines. It works the pay-per-click biding technique. It placed a bid to secure the top position in the organic search engine. Google Ads sign a contract with the Google search engine to compete against other advertisers. When your position is maintained in the search engine and a visitor visits your brand’s profile you pay the search engine for that click.

Who gets to appear on the page is determined by two factors i.e. CPC Bid and quality score. CPC bid is the highest amount an advertiser is willing to spend for the advertisement and the quality score is the click-through rate, relevance, and landing page quality. These two factors will help the advertiser to reach their potential customer.

Google Ads helps you get traffic from the most popular search engine Google. PPC advertising campaigns with the help of Google Ads will help you achieve your goals. Several factors should be determined. These factors are keyword relevance, quality score, landing page, and creativity.

Facebook Ads allows you to create your PPC marketing campaigns on the Facebook ads manager. These advertisements can be static images, animated videos, and carousel ads. Carousel ads are the ones in which advertisers advertise many links within the same ad. Facebook advertisements choose a target audience, budget and schedule your PPC advertisements and decide the places where you want to display your ads.


Why choose the 360-Degree Hub for your PPC advertisements?

You need a company that offers the best solution for your pay-per-click advertisements services for your brand. For better performance and ranking of your website, you must need a piece of expert advice. Pay-Per-Click could become a powerful digital strategy for your business if you have proper guidance for your brand’s promotion advertisements. Our PPC management services will help you increase your ROI and maximize your lead generation.

Pay-Per-Click advertisements are considered a booster for your business. The 360-Degree Hub is a digital marketing agency that offers you step-by-step guidance for your Pay-Per-Click campaigns. They will help you with advertisement creation even if you are far behind your competitors. Our pay-per-click marketing management services and experts will help you achieve your PPC campaign goals.

As mentioned above, the PPC campaign is a powerful tool for driving traffic and potential customers. Our PPC management experts will help you generate leads. They will help you capture visitors and convert them into your loyal and potential customers. The 360-Degree Hub PPC professionals will help you improve your brand’s visibility with the help of PPC advertisement campaigns. They will provide you with the prospects that will guide your customer to notice your brand. Likewise, PPC campaigns work with SEO to enhance the exposure of your business. Our marketing strategist team will help you with the integration of your PPC campaigns and SEO marketing.

Furthermore, we will serve targeted messages to your client according to their search behavior. By using Google Ads for your Pay-Per-Click campaigns it is easy to measure and track your campaigns. You can easily see analytics reports on your performance with the help of Google Analytics. It provides you full control

Pay-per-click is a cost-effective service that runs a short sales cycle. You can introduce new products and services to your business in the marketplace. When the user visits your website they will directly land on the landing pages so it is important to create elaborative landing pages for your Pay-Per-Click advertisement campaigns. The 360-Degree Hub is a marketing agency that will provide you with effective ways to develop catchy landing pages to capture visitors. Sophisticated content for your landing pages will add plus point to the campaign. You are capturing your clients with the help of these landing pages.

Our Pay-Per-Click marketing management strategist will provide you with various opportunities to create a qualitative associative framework. Key Points:

The 360-Degree Hub will provide you with numerous opportunities to boost visits to your website with the help of Pay-Per-Click.

The 360-Degree Hub Pay-Per-Click Packages:

It is difficult to get appropriate cost-effective packages for your brand’s Pay-Per-Click services. The 360-Degree Hub is considered as best Pay-Per-Click marketing agency providing feasible monthly packages for PPC advertisements.

S.NoPay-Per-Click PackagesStandard (30,000/- PKR)Premium (50,000/- PKR)
2PlatformsGoogle Ads, Facebook Ads.Google Ads, Facebook Ads.
3No. Of Keywords5080
4Text AdvertisementYesYes
5Static ImagesYesYes
7Banner Advertisement YesYes
8Carousel AdvertisementNoYes
9Competitor AnalysisNoYes
10 Generate LeadsYesYes
11Keyword OptimizationYesYes
11Keyword OptimizationYesYes
12Flat-Rate PPCYesNo
13Biding PPCNoYes
14Return On InvestmentNoYes
15Landing Page CreationYesYes
16Analysis ReportsNoYes


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